Evakim Boyahane Çözümleri A.Ş. © 2024
2D and 3D Scanning Systems and Automatic Paint Program Generation

In systems with a wide variety of parts and irregular painting positions, 2D and 3D scanning systems that can be integrated into CMA Paint Robots allow the robot to know the exact position of the part and automatically generate a paint program.

* CMA AWPS & ADPS Scanning Solutions Software for the self-creation of programs, equipped with all control parameters and application modes for movements, fully configurable by the user according to the type of parts or the desired quality. The system is equipped with a reading barrier for the dimensional examination of parts in motion on the conveyor system. The objects to be painted are first "photographed" by a scanning system placed in front of the painting area, and then the reading data is sent to a PC to be processed by software to create a master program for the robot. The generated program is then sent to the robot, which associates the image with an optimized painting method based on pre-established tables and rules that vary according to the type of object to be painted. The software is equipped with online assistance for adjusting the features of the programs. Each time the system creates a new work program, there is no stored program, making any simple or complex form possible. Windows or doors are scanned in 3D to recognize the tilt of hanging parts.

* Automatic Programming Automatic Programming: The result of this research was the development of systems for the fully automatic self-creation of programs. Using the latest technologies available, including lasers, video cameras, and optical sensors, we can now eliminate the time-consuming and labor-intensive procedures for programming the robots’ work cycles. These systems (AWPS, ADPS) allow for the recognition of the shapes and positions of parts when the program is already stored. The robot creates the program in real-time, related to the workpiece, which can be run in any position. Therefore, it is not necessary to specially position the workpieces before painting.

Evakim Boyahane Çözümleri ve Mühendislik San. Tic. A.S.
Cumhuriyet Mah. Turgut Özal Cad. Keten Sk. No:12 41420 Çayırova / Kocaeli
Tel No
T : +90 262 320 03 82
G : +90 532 712 81 56
E Mail

Evakim Boyahane Çözümleri A.Ş. © 2024
2D and 3D Scanning Systems and Automatic Paint Program Generation

In systems with a wide variety of parts and irregular painting positions, 2D and 3D scanning systems that can be integrated into CMA Paint Robots allow the robot to know the exact position of the part and automatically generate a paint program.

* CMA AWPS & ADPS Scanning Solutions Software for the self-creation of programs, equipped with all control parameters and application modes for movements, fully configurable by the user according to the type of parts or the desired quality. The system is equipped with a reading barrier for the dimensional examination of parts in motion on the conveyor system. The objects to be painted are first "photographed" by a scanning system placed in front of the painting area, and then the reading data is sent to a PC to be processed by software to create a master program for the robot. The generated program is then sent to the robot, which associates the image with an optimized painting method based on pre-established tables and rules that vary according to the type of object to be painted. The software is equipped with online assistance for adjusting the features of the programs. Each time the system creates a new work program, there is no stored program, making any simple or complex form possible. Windows or doors are scanned in 3D to recognize the tilt of hanging parts.

* Automatic Programming Automatic Programming: The result of this research was the development of systems for the fully automatic self-creation of programs. Using the latest technologies available, including lasers, video cameras, and optical sensors, we can now eliminate the time-consuming and labor-intensive procedures for programming the robots’ work cycles. These systems (AWPS, ADPS) allow for the recognition of the shapes and positions of parts when the program is already stored. The robot creates the program in real-time, related to the workpiece, which can be run in any position. Therefore, it is not necessary to specially position the workpieces before painting.

Evakim Boyahane Çözümleri ve Mühendislik San. Tic. A.S.

Cumhuriyet Mah. Turgut Özal Cad. Keten Sk. No:12 41420 Çayırova / Kocaeli
Tel No
T : +90 262 320 03 82
G : +90 532 712 81 56
E Mail
Evakim Boyahane Çözümleri A.Ş. © 2024